Cookie Notice

Last updated: July 2022

This Cookie Notice explains how The Olayan Group use cookies and similar technologies to recognise you when you visit our website. It explains what these technologies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to control our use of them.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Website owners can use cookies for a variety of reasons that can include enabling their websites to work (or work more efficiently), providing personalised content and advertising, and creating website analytics.

Cookies set by the website owner (in this case, The Olayan Group) are called “first party cookies”. Only the website owner can access the first party cookies it sets.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to enable us to provide website functionality and to enhance to performance of our website.

The specific types of cookies served through our website and the purposes they perform are described in the table below:

Performance and functionality cookies: These cookies are used to enhance the performance and functionality of our website but are not essential to their use. However, without these cookies, certain functionality may become unavailable.

Category Cookie name Description Duration Provider
Necessary Cookies
The JSESSIONID cookie is used by New Relic to store a session identifier so that
the New Relic can monitor session counts for an application
New Relic
Optanon Consent
OneTrust sets this cookie to store details about the site’s cookie category and check
whether visitors have given or withdrawn consent from the use of each category
One Trust
This cookie is set by the Google Recaptcha service to identify bots to protect the
website against malicious spam attacks
5 months 27 days
This cookie is used by the website’s WordPress theme.It allows the website owner
to implement or change the website’s content in real-time
Functional Cookies
LinkedIn sets this cookie to remember a user’s language setting
LinkedIn sets this cookie from LinkedIn share buttons and ad tags to recognize
browser ID
2 Years
LinkedIn sets this cookie to store performed actions on the website
2 Years
LinkedIn sets this cookie to facilitate data center selection
1 day
How often will you update this Cookie Notice?

We may update this Cookie Notice from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to the cookies we use or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons. Please therefore re-visit this Cookie Notice regularly to stay informed about our use of cookies and related technologies.

The date at the top of this Cookie Notice indicates when it was last updated. 

Where can I get further information?

If you have any questions about our use of cookies or other technologies, please email us at